TOPIC 8.10 The African American CIvil RIghts Movement in the 1960’s

Fred Hampton, The Black Panthers, & the F.B.I.

Fred Hampton, assassinated leader of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panthers

Fred Hampton, assassinated leader of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panthers

Unit 8: Learning Objective L:  Explain how and why various groups responded to calls for the expansion of civil rights from 1960 to 1980.

Unit 8: Learning Objective M: Explain the various ways in which the federal government responded to the calls for the expansion of civil rights.

Objective: Students will explain how the Federal Government actively sought to repress the black liberation movement in the 1960’s

This Key COncept in An Antiracist classroom:

“Some people say you fight fire best with fire. We say you put fire out best with water. We say you don’t face racism with racism. We’re gonna fight racism with solidarity.” - Fred Hampton

A proper US History class will detail the exciting stories of the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. After 8 units of unchecked racist policy, these watershed moments in US History should be celebrated as some of the greatest acts of antiracism in World History. However, there is more to the story. While Dr. King spurred LBJ to wrestle Congress into Civil Rights legislation, Federal law enforcement continuously attempted to slow, and even stop Black liberation movements.


This assignment will work like my previous “level lessons.” It’s group work with immediate teacher feedback at each stage.  Once a group has completed a stage, the members come to the teacher and have their work checked. If their answers are correct/logical, they will receive the next document. End class with a Thesis Throwdown!