I am very excited to announce a partnership between Antiracist APUSH and the Immigrant History Initiative.
The Immigrant History Initiative was founded by Julia Chang Wang and Kathy Lu, two Yale Law School graduates. As children of immigrants, they grew up knowing next to nothing about their own heritage in the United States. The recent resurgence of overt political xenophobia prompted them to think deeply about the importance of immigration in shaping our nation. They started their program to celebrate and highlight the centrality of immigrant experiences to the American identity. They created a curriculum designed for an after-school enrichment program for high school students. Their specific legal expertise led to the compilation of some very exciting materials that our APUSH students could really benefit from.
Antiracist APUSH will adopt some of their content to fit with the target skills and key objectives of the College Board’s AP Curriculum. Lessons for Periods 6 through 8 will be available in January, 2021.